Checklist » Caprifoliaceae » Lonicera caerulea
Last updated 9/17/2024 by David Giblin.
Lonicera caerulea L.[HC, VPBC1]

Origin: Native

selected vouchers: WTU

Notes: Draft FNA: "Lonicera caerulea is treated by some botanists as having several infraspecific taxa in Eurasia. Western North American plants have been treated as var. caurina or as a distinct species, L. cauriana, and those from north-central and northeastern North America as subsp. villosa, var. villosa, or as a distinct species, L. villosa (itself sometimes with several varieties). The variation in putative distinguishing characters observed (in a wide selection of specimens from throughout the range of this circumboreal species) does not support recognition of three species or infraspecific taxa. Horticultural forms of Lonicera caerulea are grown for their fruits, which are commonly known as haskaps. These are becoming increasingly popular, including commercially, especially in Canada."

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names:
Lonicera caerulea L. var. cauriana (Fernald) B. Boivin[KZ99]
Lonicera cauriana Fernald[HC2]