Publication: Willdenowia 42(1): 14. 2012.
Origin: Introduced
selected vouchers: WTU
Notes: KZ notes Chenopodium urbicum was reported from farmyards in Whatcom Co. by Muenscher (1930), whose voucher may be at CU or WS. However, Muenscher (1941) does not list the species again, instead listing C. murale from farmyards. The FNA authors did not find a specimen to verify the Washington report of C. urbicum, or reports from Oregon and British Columbia, so the occurrence of Chenopodium urbicum must remain dubious in the Pacific Northwest. Validated FNA records of C. urbicum are all mapped in the northeastern United States.
FNA4: "Chenopodium murale is distinctive and is one of the more common species of the genus in the world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions."