Publication: Edwards\'s Bot. Reg. 17: footnote after plate 1399. 1831.
Origin: Native
selected vouchers: WTU
Notes: FNA3: "In most populations of Asarum caudatum , the distal portion of the sepal is spreading or weakly reflexed and 30-75 mm. A single population south of Mt. Shasta, California, has the distal sepals strongly reflexed and unusually short, often as little as 1.1 cm. Flowers of these plants superficially resemble those of A . lemmonii ; they differ in being horizontal, not descending as in A . lemmonii , and in the filiform-attenuate sepals.
Native Americans used Asarum caudatum medicinally to treat headaches, intestinal pain, knee pain, indigestion, boils, tuberculosis, and colic, and as a general tonic (D. E. Moerman 1986)."
References: (none)