PlantQuest Species List for San Juan County, Washington

Scientific Name
(* Introduced)
Family Common Name Habitat Bloom Period
Angelica genuflexaApiaceaekneeling angelicafreshwaterjul, aug
Athysanus pusillusBrassicaceaecommon sandweedeastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppemar, apr, may, jun
Azolla filiculoidesSalviniaceaePacific mosquito-fern, duckweed fern, large mosquito-fernfreshwaterjul, aug, sep
Azolla microphyllaSalviniaceae
Balsamorhiza deltoideaAsteraceaedeltoid balsamroot, Puget balsamrootwestern forest, eastern forestmar, apr, may, jun, jul
Berula incisaApiaceae
Buddleja davidii *Scrophulariaceaeorange-eye butterfly-bushwestern forest, disturbed areasmar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct
Calamagrostis canadensis var. canadensisPoaceaebluejoint reedgrass jun, jul, aug
Castilleja miniataOrobanchaceaescarlet Indian paintbrushwestern forest, eastern forest, subalpine or alpine, saltwater shoresmay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Castilleja miniata var. dixoniiOrobanchaceaescarlet paintbrushsaltwater shoresmay, jun, jul, aug
Catalpa speciosa *Bignoniaceae
Centaurea melitensis *AsteraceaeMaltese star-thistle, tocalotewestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep
Ceratophyllum echinatumCeratophyllaceaespineless hornwortfreshwater
Chenopodium album *Amaranthaceaelambsquartersdisturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep
Cirsium edule var. eduleAsteraceaeIndian thistle, edible thistle
Cuscuta pacifica var. pacificaConvolvulaceae
Dichelostemma congestumAsparagaceaeookow, northern saitasshrub-steppemay, jun
Empetrum nigrumEricaceaeblack crowberrysubalpine or alpine, freshwatermay, jun, jul
Erigeron speciosusAsteraceaeaspen fleabane, splendid fleabanewestern forest, eastern forest, prairie or baldjun, jul, aug
Erythranthe dentataPhrymaceaecoastal monkey-flower, tooth-leaved mimulusfreshwatermay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Erythranthe grandisPhrymaceae
Euphorbia maculata *Euphorbiaceaespotted spurge, milk spurge, sandmatwestern forest, eastern forest, shrub-steppe, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep
Fragaria ananassa ssp. cuneifoliaRosaceae
Fritillaria camschatcensisLiliaceaeKamchatka fritillary, indian rice-root, black lilywestern forest, freshwatermay, jun, jul
Geum triflorumRosaceaeold man's whiskerseastern forest, prairie or bald, shrub-steppe, subalpine or alpineapr, may, jun, jul, aug
Glehnia leiocarpaApiaceae
Glyceria elataPoaceaetall mannagrassfreshwaterjun, jul, aug
Hemitomes congestumEricaceaeconeplant, gnome-plantwestern forestjun, jul, aug
Heterotheca villosaAsteraceaehairy false goldenaster, leafy goldenastereastern forest, shrub-steppejun, jul, aug, sep
Heterotheca villosa var. villosaAsteraceaeHairy goldaster jun, jul, aug, sep
Hieracium scouleriAsteraceaeScouler's woollyweed, Scouler's hawkweed, hound tongue hawkweedwestern forest, eastern forestjun, jul, aug
Iris missouriensisIridaceaeRocky Mountain iris, western blue flagfreshwatermay, jun, jul
Isolepis cernuaCyperaceaelow bulrush, tufted clubrushsaltwater shoresjun, jul, aug
Lathyrus littoralisFabaceaesilky beach pea, beach peavine, silky beach vetchlingsaltwater shoresmay, jun, jul
Lithospermum ruderaleBoraginaceaewestern stoneseed, Columbian puccoon, western gromwelleastern forest, shrub-steppeapr, may, jun
Lonicera involucrata var. involucrataCaprifoliaceaeBearberry honeysuckle, black twin-berry apr, may, jun, jul, aug
Lysimachia maritimaPrimulaceaesea milkwortshrub-steppe, saltwater shoresapr, may, jun
Lythrum salicaria *Lythraceaepurple loosestrife, long purples,freshwaterjul, aug, sep
Malva moschata *Malvaceaemusk mallowdisturbed areasmay, jun, jul
Meconella oreganaPapaveraceaewhite fairypoppy, white fairy-poppyprairie or baldmar, apr
Nepeta cataria *Lamiaceaecatnipfreshwater, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep
Oenothera biennis *Onagraceaecommon evening-primrose, king's-cureallfreshwater, disturbed areasjun, jul, aug
Parapholis incurva *Poaceae
Pascopyrum smithiiPoaceaewestern wheatgrass
Phragmites australisPoaceaecommon reedfreshwater, disturbed areasjul, aug, sep
Plantago coronopus *Plantaginaceaebuck-horn plantainsaltwater shores, disturbed areasmay, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct
Plectritis brachystemonValerianaceaeshortspur sea blushwestern forest, prairie or baldapr, may, jun
Poa macranthaPoaceaeseashore bluegrass, sand-dune bluegrasssaltwater shoresapr, may, jun, jul
Polygonum paronychiaPolygonaceaebeach knotweed, black knotweedsaltwater shoresmay, jun, jul, aug, sep
Potamogeton richardsoniiPotamogetonaceaeRichardson's pondweed, clasping-leaved pondweedfreshwaterjun, jul, aug
Ranunculus flammula var. flammulaRanunculaceaecreeping spearwort
Ranunculus sceleratus var. sceleratus *RanunculaceaeCeleryleaved buttercup. blister buttercup may, jun, jul, aug, sep
Raphanus sativus *Brassicaceaecultivated radish, garden radishdisturbed areasmay, jun, jul
Rhinanthus minor ssp. minor *Orobanchaceae western forest, eastern forest, prairie or bald, subalpine or alpine, disturbed areas
Rhododendron macrophyllumEricaceaePacific rhododendron, California rhododendronwestern forestmay, jun, jul
Rosa pisocarpaRosaceaeclustered rosewestern forest, freshwatermay, jun, jul
Sericocarpus rigidusAsteraceaeColumbian white-topped aster, rigid white-topped asterwestern forest, prairie or baldjul, aug
Silene noctiflora *Caryophyllaceaenightflowering silene, night-flowering catchflydisturbed areasjun, jul, aug
Solanum rostratum *Solanaceaebuffalobur nightshade, buffalo bur, horned nightshadedisturbed areasjun, jul, aug, sep
Spartina anglica *Poaceaecommon cordgrasssaltwater shores
Spartina densiflora *Poaceaedenseflower cordgrasssaltwater shores
Spergularia bocconei *Caryophyllaceae
Streptopus amplexifoliusLiliaceaeclasp-leaf twisted-stalk, clasping twisted-stalkwestern forest, eastern forest, subalpine or alpine, freshwatermay
Trifolium glomeratum *Fabaceaeclustered clover
Trifolium suffocatum *FabaceaeSuffocated clover
Vaccinium ovatumEricaceaeCalifornia huckleberry, evergreen huckleberrywestern forestapr, may, jun, jul, aug
Veronica hederifolia *Plantaginaceaeivy-leaf speedwelldisturbed areasapr, may, jun
Viburnum tinus *Adoxaceae
Vicia villosa var. villosa *Fabaceae

Data from Consortium of PNW Herbaria and Burke Herbarium Image Collection.    Generated on January 24, 2022
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